Hanna Idczak

Short bio

A linergist who began her practice in the field of micro-pigmentation with multi-award winner and Master trainer, teacher, and practitioner, Magdalena Mazurek.


This collaboration and the incredible natural talent resulted in, amongst other accolades, in Hanna winning First Place in the 2017 International Permanent Makeup Championship hosted by the International Permanent Makeup Conference & Championship.

Today Hanna regularly trains those beginning their micro-pigmentation careers, she knows that building solid foundations is invaluable, her Basic training participants often refer to her as a “treasure”. Hanna understands how to explain and pass on to her students difficult concepts and complicated aspects of micro-pigmentation so that they can be understood more simply and effectively, she does this with patience and care.

Hanna is also an experienced professional of permanent tattoo laser removal. But after you have received training from Hanna it is very unlikely that such procedures are necessary. Hanna’s pleasant and caring way of passing on her knowledge has also been appreciated abroad, where she has given lectures for experienced linergists from the USA. No matter what stage of your career or how experienced you are, she will guide you through the new subjects with charisma and a smile making it possible for everyone to build a strong and successful career through the prestigious position of being a linergist.


The Basic training will cover the following: Basic Eyeliner, 5-slope Eyeliner, and lips in 55 minutes! That’s just for starters, then in the subsequent stages, Hanna will share with you vital tips and secrets as well as provide a clear overview of everything learned. This has the potential to launch you into a group of highly specialized and respected practitioners in the industry both locally and internationally. It’s all up to you! Meet Hanna and start today.
