Are you a good candidate for microblading?

Microblading is the new technique in the field of semi-permanent make-up. With this technique, a perfect natural eyebrow can be created for you. The specialist draws each hair individually and filters thin with a microblade pen. The pigment is as it were, scratched into the skin. It immediately gives you an amazing result.

Why microblading?

Microblading is perfect for you:

  • If you are tired of drawing your eyebrows every day.
  • If you want to see how you have to epilate your own eyebrows (nice shape is already there).
  • If you want a nice open look without make-up during the morning or during your workout
  • If you have a thin or irregular hair growth and / or have been wrong for a long time.
  • If you want to hide a scar in the eyebrows.
  • If you want to hide asymmetrical eyebrows.
  • When you have local or complete hair loss.
  • When you want more expression in your face, when you have too straight, too round or too short eyebrows, or you want to perfect the shape for your eyebrows.

What is microblading procedure all about?

  • First the specialist discusses what you desire and looks at the condition of your eyebrows. Then the frame of the new eyebrow shape is drawn with pencil. This is measured symmetrically and expertly. Now you approve the shape so that they do not become too thick or too thin.
  • The color that best fits your hair color of the eyebrows and skin color is chosen.
  • The actual microblading process starts and scratches with pigment are placed in the eyebrow.
  • The post-treatment is explained and applied.
  • You can now enjoy your new brow look!

How long does microblading last?

The result remains on average 1 to 2 years. It will gradually fade.  The older someone is, the less cell renewal takes place in the skin, the longer it stays. The fatter a skin is, the sooner it will fade. The drier a skin is naturally the better the pigment is retained by the skin. Even in people who often use the sun / sunbed it will fade more quickly.

Is microblading procedure painful?

The treatment is not considered painful by most people. People with a low pain threshold sometimes experience this a bit more painfully. Precautions are taken to make you feel as little pain as possible.

Microblading seems to be the godsend for those who dream of beautiful, full eyebrows. But what exactly does this semi-permanent treatment entail and what do you need to know before you book an appointment?

What will be the color of your eyebrows?

The color is always discussed with you but needs to match with the natural color of your eyebrows. The color you have that day (so even if you have painted it) are applied to microblading. The first time the correct color is put on it, you can still opt for slightly darker if you wish and if this is possible based on your natural color.

Keep in mind that after the microblading, your eyebrows are even darker within the first few days (especially the second and third day) maximum 7 days, but this gradually fades and after 2 to 3 weeks they are at their best!

First treatment

It is usually between 90 to 120 minutes. A completely new pattern of the eyebrow is drawn by hand, and each hair is drawn one by one. The first treatment is to ensure you get perfect treatment.

Touch-up (Second Treatment)

This usually lasts within 3o to 6o minutes. An update session is performed after the first treatment. This treatment is to fill in spots that have not yet been properly packed in the skin during the first session. The eyebrow is filled up even more if necessary and the color can be made darker in its entirety if desired. This update session must take place within 4-12 weeks after the first session.

Third Treatment

This only applies to exceptional cases where a customer needs a third treatment to achieve the desired result. This treatment must take place within 1 month after the second treatment. After that, most customers get a freshening up only once a year.

Touch-up session

If your eyebrows are completely blurred, you will have to make an appointment for a new microblading session and you will pay the full price back. So come in time for your touch-up! We give you this comprehensive information so that you are aware of what microblading entails and what you can do to get the best results. You can expect the skill and precision you are familiar with from Majken Villefrance.

PMU is the new trend in beauty industry

PMU will give the luxury of not having to apply conventional makeup daily. Gone are the days of the old style permanent makeup. Hence, it is important to harness latest technology in permanent makeup for lips, brows and eyeliner; there are many techniques out there you can use to satisfy your whims and caprices. It only calls for being well informed in the most advanced technology in permanent makeup.

Stay ahead of Competition with cutting edge knowledge

Our courses are stand-out PMU techniques online courses. You can study when you have free time and ask everything you want to know!

What the courses are all about:

It is an intensive training where I explain and show you everything I know about PMU techniques. I share ALL my SECRETS!


  • The best PMU techniques in the world
  • How to receive the best healed result
  • Exercises on latex and video demo on model
  • Lots of tips to do exceptional job that will attract more clients
  • How to shop for the best products to work on

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